What is LED Lighting

LED stands for ‘Light Emitting Diode’ and is a type of semiconductor which converts electrical current into light with high efficiency.

What is LED Lighting?

LED stands for ‘Light Emitting Diode’ and is a type of semiconductor which converts electrical current into light with high efficiency. Unlike ordinary lights, LED lights don’t require a filament or flourescent gas to produce light. This means that up to 80% less energy is used, creating much less heat and producing greater brightness per watt.

Environmental impact is greatly reduced because LED lighting requires far less power than traditional lights. Because of this, many governments are creating rebate programs to incentivise greener industry practices. Click here to learn more about the available Australian government LED rebates.

Estimated Lifespan of Lighting Technologies

LED: 30,000-50,000 hours

CFL: 8,000-15,000 hours

Halogen: 1,000-5,000 hours

Incandescent: 1,000 hours

The Advantage of LED Lights

  • Super energy efficient and long lasting, LED lights:
  • Reach full brightness instantly
  • Save you money on your power bills!
  • Use about 80% less energy than halogen or incandescent lights
  • Use about 30% less energy than CFL lights
  • Last between 30,000-50,000 hours
  • Contain no mercury or lead
  • Emit no UV rays or infrared radiation
  • Operate at a much cooler temperature, making them a safer option than halogens
  • Cut greenhouse gas emissions and reduce landfill.

LED lights can last between 30,000 – 50,000 hours, significantly longer than halogens (1,000-5,000 hours) and old incandescent globes (approx 1,000 hours), depending on the globe. Although they are more expensive to purchase initially, the significant savings you make on replacement and running costs make LEDs much more cost effective in the long run.

LED lights are about 30% more energy efficient than CFLs, another form of energy saving lighting, however the advantage of LEDs over CFLs is lifespan and instant light. CFLs are estimated to last between 8,000 – 15,000 hours, while LED lights are estimated to last between 30,000 – 50,000 hours (depending on the product).

LED Lighting Solutions

Greenlux LED has been delivering quality lighting outcomes successfully to commercial sites nationally for the past 9 years.