Victorian VEET Scheme

Upgrade your lighting SAVE operating & maintenance Costs and get a Government Subsidy.

LED lighting Incentive & Subsidy

Upgrade your lighting SAVE operating & maintenance Costs and get a Government Subsidy.

Upgrade your commercial lighting to energy efficient LED lighting using Government LED lighting incentives. The Victorian Government has implemented the VEET Scheme which may pay a LED lighting subsidy if you upgrade your lighting. Greenlux specialises in providing high quality LED commercial fixtures and has a substantial range of energy efficient LED commercial lighting fixtures that are currently approved for obtaining subsidies by the Essential Services Commission (ESC), the administrator of the VEET Scheme.

No Obligation Lighting Assessment

Greenlux offers a NO obligation lighting assessment to all commercial properties which qualify for the Activity 34 Commercial Lighting Upgrades.

The VEET scheme is a Victorian Government initiative promoted as the Energy Saver Incentive. It commenced on 1 January 2009 and is administered by the Essential Services Commission (ESC). The scheme was established under the Victorian Energy Efficiency Target Act 2007 and is administered in accordance with the Victorian Energy Efficiency Target Regulations 2008.

The VEET scheme is designed to make energy efficiency improvements more affordable, contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gases, and encourage investment, employment and innovation in industries that supply energy efficiency goods and services.

Under the scheme, accredited businesses can offer discounts and special offers on selected energy saving products and appliances installed at homes, businesses or other non-residential premises. The bigger the greenhouse gas reduction, the bigger the potential savings.

Energy Consumers

When seeking your Energy Saver Incentive, either as a residential or business energy consumer, there are a few important points to remember: Only accredited businesses/entities can create VEECs, and only when they provide you with an approved product. Greenlux has a large range of LED lighting products approved for use in the commercial lighting market by the ESC. Using these products will enable an aggregator to generate VEEC’s which subsidise the cost of the LED lighting upgrade. The value of VEECs, and how much of that value the accredited business decides to pass on to an organisation, can vary based on your existing lighting that will be replaced and your BCA status. In all cases, a new energy efficient LED light must be installed by a licensed electrical contractor to be eligible for VEECs and all lighting waste must be recycled by approved re cyclers.

Sustainability / Recycling

Greenlux uses CMA Ecocycle to recycle all hazardous waste materials, metals and plastics.

Required documents

Greenlux Lighting works closesly with a number of accredited certificate providers (ACPs) to generate certificates that allow government subsidies in both the VEET scheme and ESS IPART Scheme.

The documents required for both VEET and IPART include the following:

  1. Pre upgrade photo’s of the lights in situation
  2. Post installation photos
  3. Post installation lux reports
  4. Product registration for inclusion in the VEET and IPART scheme
  5. Certificates of electrical safety
  6. Recycling certificates for lighting waste 

Websites for more information


CMA Ecocycle:

Essential Services Commission:

LED Lighting Solutions

Greenlux LED has been delivering quality lighting outcomes successfully to commercial sites nationally for the past 9 years.